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Dividend Portfolio

Imagine this. You have $500 a month to contribute to stocks each and every month. Assuming you buy stocks that pay dividends in the neighborhood of 3%, this means that every month, you are creating your own annuity stream of $15 per year. Not a bad deal. If you put your money in the bluest of the blue-chip stocks in the Dow Jones Index, the odds are pretty good that the dividends will go up annually, giving you a raise every year like clockwork without you doing anything more. If you could get in the habit of regularly socking away money into blue-chip stocks, then you will be able to wake up one day and find yourself loaded. It's a long process, and it's difficult to delay the gratification of today in the pursuit of a better tomorrow, but it's definitely worth it in the end. You work hard enough as it is, it's time that you get your money to start working for you. If you can establish a disciplined savings plan of allocating hundreds of dollars per month to top-tier dividend stocks, you'll end up more than all right in the end. Evan at My Journey to Millions wrote a great article about setting up a 'perpetual dividend machine,' and I highly recommend that you check out his article, link here: .


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