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How Nice Guys Finish First With Money

Kevin McKee recently had an excellent guest post at the blog Sweating The Big Stuff that argued in favor of being nice in dealing with businesses that you frequent. And I personally could not agree more. At every sales position that I have ever worked at in my life, I have been much more inclined to help someone out who is kind to me and honestly asks me for assistance. If someone comes in cussing, yelling, and screaming, then there is no incentive to help that person out. Why would I want to make a jerk's life any better? There's no motivation there. I'm amazed by how many people don't seem to realize this. Whenever I visit McDonalds and they screw up my order, I politely ask for a free order of fries to compensate me for my trouble, and every single time, without hesitation, I have received that free order of fries. And this has generally been true for more expensive items as well. If you have an honest gripe with the company, presenting it in a reasonable manner will make the company want to help you out--after all, what company thinks it is in their long-term interest to screw over nice people asking for justice? That would be a disastrous business model. If you want to take a look at Mr. McKee's post, be sure to visit it by clicking here:

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