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Should I Not Pay My Bills If I'm Starting A Business?

There is nothing harder than starting a business. Trust me, I know. When I first started blogging, I thought it would be a walk in the park. I thought plenty of readers would flock to my content, and I figured I'd be raking in hundreds of dollars within no time. Unfortunately, reality is much harsher than that--I haven't made diddly squat, and it's incredibly difficult to constantly think of topics to blog about. But still, I trudge on.

Likewise, it can be difficult for those starting a business to decide which bills to pay. You probably aren't spending a lot of time at the office if you're starting your own business--or even harder yet, you're not bringing in any income while your business tries to kick start itself off the ground. If you have to decide whether or not to pay your bills or keep your business dream going, the choice you have to make could be a daunting task.

What's worse--missing a water bill or having your dreams destroyed? Do you decide to throw that extra $500 at a business improvement, or do you skip a credit card bill? These are the types of decisions facing plenty of small business owners every day, and unfortunately, there is no clear right answer.

For me, I would make sure I paid my mortgage, electric, water, and other utility bills. These are essentials for basic living, and have to come before your business. For other costs, I would pay the bill, and then cancel the service so I could focus on my business. Who needs TV anyway--that just means more time you have to throw at your business. There is no clear right or wrong answer, but I do think the smartest thing you can do is pay for the bare essentials, cancel everything else, and the fanatically focus on growing your business. In the long-term, I think this will make you the happiest.

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