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Keep Inventory of Your Wallet

Losing a wallet is incredibly obnoxious. Not only do you have to replace the essential items that you use to get through your day-to-life, but, depending on the circumstances, you also have to worry that someone could steal your identity, run up your credit cards, or use your information for harmful purposes. That is why it is absolutely critical that you keep tabs on every single item that you keep in your wallet. Having a rough idea is not enough if criminals are trying to steal your identity. Do you have two credit cards? Three? A debit card? Whatever you may have, it's definitely a smart idea to write down the card information and put it in a safety box at the bank so that if you ever do lose your wallet, then you will know exactly what you had in your possession. As the old saying goes, 'Even the best pilots keep a checklist.' The odds are, if you do lose your wallet, it will be an incredibly stressful event, and you won't want to be jumping through the mental hoops of trying to remember what you were keeping in your wallet that day. Unfortunately, this is one of those tasks that tends to get put off until another day, but could be of vital importance if you find yourself in need. Robert at The College Investor wrote a great column about the need to inventory your wallet, and his article can be found here: .

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